
Friday, 24 May 2013

PSY steals $2.5 million necklace from Cannes film festival (hopefully)

Fake PSY jewel robbery

I hate the Cannes film festival. I've had to go there quite a few times over the years for work reasons. I don't like the glitz, I don't enjoy being around the enthusiastic Americans, I'm not interested in celebrities, I don't like showbiz parties, I've never had time to see any films, I have to drink constantly, it's hot and I run a mile from all the desperate people who've mortgaged their house in the hope of selling their first film (which they won't). So these days, I enjoy when Cannes comes around and the news fills up with the usual bullshit Cannes stories... because I'm not there.

The media loves Cannes because of all the celebrities, parties and red carpet stuff. That's the most irrelevant part of the festival, but that's all the media reports. Oh my god, Tom Cruise went to the MTV party! Wow! Why anyone cares is beyond me. The celebrities are just there as window dressing - everyone else is there to network and do business.

But enough of me complaining about having to go to celebrity parties and drink other people's gin, there's a Cannes story that's caught my eye. Or rather there's two, but maybe they're the same one.

A cheeky chap was smart enough to figure out that Western people can't really tell Koreans apart, so he figured that any podgy yellow person with funny sunglasses was going to be mistaken for PSY and he was right. That's him on the left up there (and the real PSY on the right). Looking as he did, he found he could wander in to pretty much any party at Cannes and nobody questioned him.

Parties at Cannes are run on the 'cool' system. The guys on the door don't care if you have an invitation or not - they care if you are cool. If you're cool, then you're doing them a favour by turning up to their party. If you're not cool, then they'd be doing you a favour by letting you in. Everyone tries to get as many cool people as possible to their parties in order to raise the coolness level. If the coolness quotient exceeds a certain level everyone gets a sack of cocaine and a Learjet or something like that. I never had any trouble getting in to parties in Cannes because I always wore a kilt and the yankee bloody loves a kilt, he does. So looking like PSY automatically means you're cool and the doors of any Cannes shindig will open for you like a tired cliché about prostitute's legs.

Cannes jewel theft Chopard necklace
Now the other story is about some jewellery. At a Cannes party, someone walked off with a $2.5 million dollar necklace. The De Grisogono company had various people wandering around the party dressed in their shinies. Come the end of the night, when they took them all back, one was missing. Oh dear; it's only the second time it's happened this week.

All those pointless celebrities wandering round Cannes are lent dresses and jewellery and shit like that. Yes, the world's second-thickest millionaires (footballers being number one) don't even buy their own clobber. The jewellery firm Chopard sends forty staff to Cannes to hand out sparkly things to actors. At the end of the day, they'd put them in a hotel safe which was in an empty room. The next morning, when they came to open the safe and take the jewels out, it turned out that'd already been done for them.

So this latest necklace theft isn't exactly surprising. It happens at Cannes pretty much every year. And, as we've seen, guest lists are pretty flexible, so they don't even know who was at the party. Wouldn't it just be perfect if it was the fake PSY who walked off with it?